Friday 4 March 2011

Today i was playing around with linking and parent and child relationships. Also the basic tools to make shapes and getting to grips with how to use these effectively.

Here is a very basic box using the basic tools in 3ds max, however i used the hierarchy command panel to make the pivot point of the lid match the two hinges of the base and then linked the glass inside the lid to the lid itself so when you rotate the lid it rotates correctly and the glass inside moves accordingly. Very helpful!

Glass and lighting

This post is about my experimenting with lighting, materials and glass/raytrace.

I used photometric lighting for this and will probably use this for my final piece as it looks more realistic. I also made some simple glasses and made a nice raytrace glass material by using raytrace as a map in refraction and making the colour black.

Looking at it now i would of used a more grey like colour for the glasses to be more realistic.

Wednesday 2 March 2011


I have just made the windows and have made a cockpit inside the helicopter using simple box modelling. Al thought I'm having some problems getting the glass to display correctly. I have also linked objects with proper parents and child relationships.


This is my favourite model as I enjoyed making this, it has more hard shapes than soft delicate curves and as I am not a car fan at all It can be hard to see the right shape of the car. With this it was easier to see the shape and create a nice low poly model that can be used in animation and as its low poly it would be good for games.

I found that when making this how easy it was to create using simple shapes, for instance the missiles on the bottom take only seconds to create and now i am getting to grips with most of the tools and interface in 3ds max.


This is the second model of my car and this is a better lower polly count model. This meant that i could change parts of the body more easily and then when that was finished and the turbo smooth was on i could start to add detail.

This is mostly finished however needs some work still.


This is my first attempt at a car in 3ds max, I used box modeling and used lots of loops with a turbo smooth modifier. Although the topology of this model was not bad, it could of been a lot better. I did make sure that all the faces were squares but i found that it had an unnecessary high poly count, this ment that it became harder to edit larger areas of the body of the car.